Monday, January 23, 2023


There's a lot of copy and paste culture in the world that the word 'authenticity' should probably be scrapped from the dictionary. Sodom appears to be a land of greener pastures and prosperity and so Lot wants to go there without thinking... 'Is this place meant for me? Is this where I'd thrive?'
So, he goes there only to discover the worst. 
"Where do you thrive?". This is a question we have to ask ourselves and give an answer so true. Forget the rat race that comes with seeking short cuts to success that would lead you to following paths not meant for you just because a lot of people seem to thrive in that path. These paths might necessarily not be Sodomy nor evil. They just might not be meant for you. You'd take such paths and discover you aren't flourishing like the others and even if you are, there's no satisfaction within and you'd begin to wonder if your village people are after you. No sir, No ma! You're just on a wrong track!
Consider what makes you come alive. That thing or those things that are like the best fertilisers for your life plant to blossom, pray and pursue those things.For some, it could be the arts. For others, technology, and so on. Do not let the absurd money-chase make you lose sense of your purpose, your authenticity and unique flavour and at the end you discover that you only lived a life to fit in, rather than a fulfilling life. The world needs that uniqueness.
Again, 'Where do you thrive?', 'What makes you thrive?'. 


  1. Hmmm you've given me something to think about. Thanks for this๐Ÿ’–

  2. Rightly said, Mercy. Rightly said. We've all got to find out own paths.๐Ÿ“Œ
